Special Pages

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Love Is Golden

This was originally meant to be a full sized set with portraits...but after the first five we had a crash...and I had forgot to back up and save my work...so enjoy what I did manage to make :)


  1. I love it they are still in love great concept Thanks RJ

    1. I actually see this so many times where I work...an older couple walking around...one of them helping the other who maybe has a harder time moving...holding hands...its always sweet :)

  2. Good morning love Rhonda.
    Oh yes, love never dies not even old people have to love the right
    and would in live we forget too often to be .the we all hope finally old.

    Thank you for this and thank the Poser have a single Poser bastlerin thought.

    Monika Inge

  3. Gracias por compartir. Todos tus trabajos son maravillosos.
    Un saludo a ti.
    Feliz día. :))

  4. Hola, puedes hacer algo Eternal Slumber con la mujer . Mi vecina a partido y quiero hacer un recordatorio. Gracias.
